Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Doug’s First Steps Class

 Watch this video if want to learn the fundamentals of gun safety and marksmanship.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Gun Safety – What You Need To Know

As with anything that could have fatal consequences, operating a gun requires safety measures. You don’t get to own a gun and just be trigger happy about it – you need to be responsible as it may lead to life or death, not only for you but also for the people around you. In some states, you wont be able to purchase a gun from gun stores unless you go through a safety course and successfully finish it. It is that seriously important. It would be best if all the states are to practice this kind of strict regulation when comes to gun purchases.

So here are some gun safety precautions that a gun owner should always practice:

Presume that the gun you are holding is always loaded. If you imagine that you are using a loaded gun, ready to be pointed at something and shoot, you wont be pointing it to somebody you don’t intend to shoot. Also, there’s no need for you to look inside the barrel. So unless you are aiming it at a target you plan to shoot, always remember that it is loaded and ready to be fired.

A gun is specifically designed to blast holes on things. Do not point at anything you don’t mean to shoot. It should always be treated with respect. You don’t put your hand against a power saw, so why point a gun at something you don’t want to shoot? Again, always imagine that it is always loaded with bullets and ready to fire. If you respect its power enough, you don’t fool around with it.

Keep the safety on all the time, unless you are ready to fire. There are lots of casualties and accidents because of misfires. You don’t want to add to the growing number of mishandled guns that accidentally went off because the safety was off. You don’t want to risk your life, or anybody else’s life for that matter. Be responsible. Keep the safety device on.

Never put your finger on the trigger if you are not ready to shoot. This is much like the safety precaution said above. Your hands can sometimes fail you. It is a good practice to keep your finger near the trigger if you are not about to shoot anything or in a gun range.

Just bear in mind all the things mentioned above so you wont harm anyone when handling a firearm. Ask help with your gun dealers about safety. Thank you for being a responsible gun owner.